December 28, 2017

Christmas 2017

Our Christmas was magical and was over as fast as it started. I was so excited on Christmas Eve because the snow started sticking first thing in the morning! We hardly ever get a white Christmas. It was even more special because Harper got to have a white Christmas for her very first Christmas! Ryder's first Christmas was a white one as well. Snow always makes Christmas more magical. We spent Christmas Eve at church in the morning followed by lunch at my parent's house. By dinnertime both kids were so ready for bed. Ryder spent a good thirty minutes watching Santa fly around the globe on NORAD's Santa Tracker on the computer. It was the best watching his face light up as Santa got closer and closer to our area! He also didn't fight to go to bed. He knew Santa would soon be coming and he knew what he had to do.

Harper basically hated her first Christmas. I'm not sure if she is starting to teeth or what but sleep wasn't happening and she was so full of slobber, spit-up, and anger. Nothing made the poor girl happy. We snuggled her all the same and still enjoyed Christmas with her. She got her first present from Santa and has been loving it ever since! Ryder was so thrilled that Santa got his letter about the very specific toy he wanted his baby sister to get.

This year's favorites include the entire Playmobil Ghostbuster's set, Doggie Doo, all the Batman things, and the Bat Cave that Santa made. I'll work on a post about that later. Christmas this year was the best and I already can't wait until next year! But first I'm ready to clean and organize. Mama needs space and organization!!

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun with all of you! I'll treasure those memories forever!
