January 1, 2018

Hello 2018

Goodbye 2017, I won't miss you at all! Last year was a rough year for us. It brought us a lot of heartache, stressful times, and long days. We lost loved ones, struggled through health scares of family members, experienced major changes, and it just seemed like we couldn't get ourselves together. I've struggled to find a balance between work, home, friends, and family. But through all of these 2017 wasn't so bad. We had lots of adventures, we tried new things, ate lots of food, conquered fears, and we got the best present of all. At the end of the year we welcomed Harper into our family. While we are still trying to balance life as a family of four, I can't imagine our lives without her in it. Here are a few highlights from 2017.

{Ryder conquered his fear of the butterfly house at the zoo! While he wasn't thrilled to be inside with the butterflies, he did learn that they aren't as bad as he thought. He isn't excited to try again any time soon.}

Here's to a new year and new adventures!

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