August 9, 2017

Ryder | Four

This is officially the fastest four years of my life! Ryder has grown by leaps and bounds this year. His speech has really transformed, he suddenly knows all his letters, numbers one to twenty, and has a sudden interest in all things Batman. Seth took Ryder's birthday off this year and we told him that he could choose what he wanted to do. In true Ryder fashion he chose the zoo. This kid loves the zoo! We spent the day with the animals and had the best time ever! And I'm pretty impressed with myself that I lived through all the walking, heat, and being so pregnant. But we did it!!

A few things I want to always remember about four:
- Always talking about robots, airplanes, and bugs.
- Starting to try new foods! Recently tried (and loved) granola bars, bananas, and tortillas.
- Constantly coming up with silly names for baby sister.
- Still loves Curious George.
- Found a stuffed bunny that he takes with us everywhere.
- Also still taking his blanket everywhere.
- Loves playing restaurant and super heroes, Batman specifically.
- Always helping me cook and bake.
- Taking showers like a "grown up" is one of his favorite things.
- Still terrified, but very obsessed with, bugs.

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