January 20, 2017

January Favorites

The past few weeks have been rough. I feel like we are stuck in slow motion. Ryder has been waking up frequently through the night, for no reason other than not wanting to sleep, which means I'm not sleeping. I've had zero motivation to get things done. Laundry is piling up, both clean and ready to be put away as well as dirty and ready to be washed, dried, and put away. It is never ending lately. Dishes seem to just appear out of nowhere and it takes too much effort to wash them. I am craving spring cleaning and organizing but am lacking all energy to get to work. I am ready to change that! Hopefully once I get my butt moving, a certain three year old will start sleeping so I can get sleep too. I can dream, right?

A few things have gotten me ready to get started on all of this organizing and I wanted to share them with you in case you are in need of a few motivational tools too. Target is killing me lately with all of their new throw pillows and kitchen things. I can't get enough of the colors and patterns. We bought a new couch just before Christmas and we are loving it! Our white sectional was taking up too much space and the task of keeping it clean was getting to be too much for me to handle. Here's a tip from one boy mom to another, do not buy a white couch! No matter how badly you dream of owning a white couch, don't do it. Just stay far far away! Our new couch is a dark gray and every inch of fabric is completely removable (zipper and velcro) and can be machine washed! Hallelujah! It was quite a color change and I was so hesitant to get such a dark color but it is so easy to add lighter throws, pillows, and rug to make the room stay bright and really come together. I am looking into replacing the rug, and thinking of doing a layered look. We will be adding the matching chair and a coffee table this year as well.

Before I start my spring cleaning I made a goal to get our office\playroom painted and ready to be organized. This has been a daunting task because we have so much stuff in the tiny room currently. I am looking to sell Ryder's train table. We build our train tracks on the floors throughout the house and the train table is just taking up too much space. It needs to go. I want to paint the room a bright white. Right now the walls are a dark teal and it makes the room feel so small and dark. I am thinking about turning one wall into a chalkboard wall, but we will see how much space we have once we purge through the toys, so many toys. I have a small desk in the room that I want to use as my editing desk. Currently I edit my client's photos on my laptop on the couch, but it is really starting to put a strain on my neck. I will have a corner all to myself and I can't wait! This room really is tiny so I'm hoping it comes together like it does in my head.

I am tossing away all of my loose paper recipes and binder recipe books. I found the cutest recipe cards and box that look so cute on our counters and it holds so many cards! And speaking of recipes, I recently tried two new recipes and we absolutely loved them! I love the smell of stews and soups slowly simmering on the stove for hours. It makes the home feel so warm and cozy during the cold winter months. We are loving this Copy-cat Beef Stew. I added a small can of petite diced tomatoes and extra veggies. It was perfect for the icy weather we had last week. We are also really loving this Chicken Pot Pie Soup recipe. It is so far from healthy, but it really hit the spot. I didn't make the dipping sticks. Instead We dipped biscuits into the soup. It was so addicting! And if you're looking for new soup bowls, Target just released new soup bowls that are perfect for getting cozy with a bowl of hot soup and a blanket. Which is perfect if you binged watched This Is Us like I did.

Target also has a great variety of 2017 calendars in their dollar spot right now! I may have bought more than I needed but at least I will be organized. At least that's the plan. I am addicted to Sugar Paper planners. I look forward to buying a couple every January. One for our family activities and one for my photography business. I also couldn't buy this Homegrown Goodness wall calendar fast enough. It will look perfect in our kitchen this spring and summer when our garden starts producing and we have baskets full of veggies on our counters!

What are ways that you are getting motivated and getting organized this year?

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