January 3, 2017

Christmas 2016

Our Christmas was stretched across three full days of celebrations. We spent time with our families and made sure to set aside time for just our little family. It was amazing seeing the magic in Ryder's eyes when he saw the tree Christmas morning. He woke up about an hour and half earlier than other mornings and he just couldn't wait to hand out the presents to all of us. He of course was overwhelmed with toys again this year and I will be spending the next few months collecting what we don't use or play with and boxing it up for garage sales this spring. We loved celebrating with all of our family and I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas!

We kicked off the new year with cupcakes, stove top beef stew (which I think may be a new tradition), and a dozen noisemakers and game night! Once Ryder went to bed we put on a movie and tried our hardest not to fall asleep before midnight. Okay, I tried not to fall asleep. But I made it and for the first time in three year we shared a kiss at midnight.

Cheers to a new year! The best is yet to come.

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