January 27, 2017

January Updates

January is so close to being over and I feel like we have been rushing through the last couple weeks. I am so ready for spring. I've been starting to collect ideas for our little backyard garden and growing impatient as I wait for nurseries to start getting their greenery in. I plan to have at least three plants in every room of our house this year. Although we haven't even had a decent snowfall this year. I'm still holding onto hope that we will have a storm that brings at least 5 inches or more. Ryder would love to play in the snow one more time before spring comes around.

We had the opportunity to ice skate with our local hockey players yesterday and it was so much fun! Ry's school had a field trip to the ice rink and even Seth took the day off to join us. We got to bring a sled and wear our shoes! Ryder loved being pulled on the sled by his daddy, a friend's daddy, and hockey players. His favorite part was getting to actually play hockey! He is still talking about that. But he is like me and he does not like the cold!! Once he got chilled he was done with the whole adventure.

Our schedule this month has been insane! Our days are all over the place and our eating habits are following. I am determined to get things back into our usual routine in February. I'm not sure when it happened but I've noticed that the last few weeks we haven't been sleeping through the night, I've become a short order cook about five times a day, Ry isn't wanting what he requests to eat and then sneaks snacks from the pantry, we've been eating out more than I care to admit, attitudes aren't the best that they could be, and I just feel like we are stuck in a slump. So here's to the last weekend in January and a fresh beginning in February!!

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