November 7, 2013

Three Months

Age: 3 months
Stats: 13 lbs & 24 1/4 inches long (at last doctor visit)
Sleep schedule: He usually goes to sleep around 7-8 & wakes up between 3-4 for a bottle. He falls right back  asleep & wakes up again at 6 to say good morning to Seth before he leaves for work (Ryder usually beats the alarm clock by a couple minutes) & depending on when he got his night time bottle, will get a bottle then go down for a morning nap. He is still very random with naps during the day, but they are usually about an hour after he eats & can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
Favorite foods: He was recently diagnosed with GERD. So now we mix a small amount of rice cereal into his formula to thicken it...he's not a fan yet.
Clothes: He is wearing 3-6 months onesies & pants, however, sleepers we are completely into 6 months. He is too long!
Favorite things: You can usually find him having a blast on his kick & play mat or bouncer seat grabbing for toys. Ryder also has figured out that he can now stick his tongue out. Which provides all 3 of us entertainment for hours! He is also a huge fan of walks. Too bad it's starting to get too cold out. Since he can't have a flu shot, I'm not really interested in taking him to the mall for walks...
Things he hates: He has recently become scared of loud & sudden noises. He will literally startle & start to cry...BIG tears!!
Words he says: Just coos, but he will really "talk" your head off!
Milestones: He can officially grab toys!!! He is trying very hard to grab with both hands at the same time, but that is much more difficult.
Memory for the baby book: This month Ryder discovered his feet. He will randomly look at them with a very skeptical look & then smile. We also heard his first "unofficial" giggle.

To all my fellow mamas out there,
At what age did your little ones start teething, what were the first signs AND what seemed to help them best?

{one} - We just recently purchased this for Ryder. I add new & old favorite toys on the bar & he loves to grab at them & talk to them. This will keep him busy for a good 15 minutes.
{two} - Since the temperatures have dropped & we turned our heat on, poor little man's cheeks have been very dry & cracked. We put Aquaphor on his pretty much constantly until it clears & then we apply it once in the morning, once in the middle of the day, & then again after his bath...(TIP!) We do this before he is completely dry. It helps to absorb more moisture.
{three} - We came across these adorable chiming toys at the grocery store on night. They have been a hit from day one! His all time favorite is the caterpillar.
{four} - This item really doesn't need any explanation. It will keep his feet, arms, & smiles busy for a while. He will kick & laugh to his little heart's content & then some. 
{five} - I know this was on our two month favorites, but it is still one of the most chosen toys. Now that he is grabbing this ball is great because it has holes that he can easily slip his fingers around.
{six} - As I mentioned above it's very dry in our house & outside. Ryder's nose is full of awful dry boogers. I love this brand & everything they make. No harsh chemicals...blah blah blah :)
{seven} - My little guy LOVES to be carried. And I don't mean cradled in my arms. I mean propped up facing outward. He is very social & loves to observe his world. These clips come in many cute patterns & colors. It has saved his pacifier on many occasions.

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