November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving Planning & Prep

I can't believe it is exactly one week until Thanksgiving! Time is just flying by! Ryder & I are getting antsy to start putting up the Christmas tree & decorations. It's finally time to start busting out the holiday outfits!!
I'm so excited that Thanksgiving will be at my parent's house this year! I'm patiently waiting the day when we can have a huge Thanksgiving dinner & festivities at our own home. I plan on going all out on that day! But until then I will be more than content to help my mom plan for this special day. We have been working on the menu for a week or so and we finally got it down! We've been shopping around for just the right ingredients today & it make me extra anxious for the day to get here. Even though I know it will be gone in a flash. Here's a preview of some things that may be on the menu.
I wish Ryder would get to try all the delicious dishes this year, but that will make next year even more fun! He will get to lick a few items this year though ;)

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