November 24, 2013

Festival of Trees

This weekend was super busy! Ryder started teething. And oh boy is he a chewing, drooling, hot mess! I'm positive we went through at least 7 outfits in just one day. He isn't really fussy & it doesn't seem to bother him too much. So I guess so far so good.

On Saturday he got Christmas picture taken with his cousin. He is such a ham when it comes to smiling.

Sunday we visited the Festival of Trees. This is a place that I look forward to going every year. To me it's almost like the official kick-off to the holidays. I love all the decorated trees, the delicious food, looking at all the gingerbread creations while eating fresh gingerbread cookies, seeing Santa (watching kids scream in terror), & listening to the Christmas music played by local choirs & bands. Ryder loved it! I was nervous at first because when we got there he had only had a small nap & he was slightly fussy. But he quickly woke up & stayed awake for almost 3 hours! He was in awe of the trees & lights, the train that kids get to ride on, & the music. But the best part was how much he liked Santa!

I thought for sure he would cry when I dropped him off & backed up. But nope! He smiled at him while we were walking toward him. After I sat him down he started cooing & smiling. It was precious! We got a few pictures & then Ryder sneezed on Santa!!! I guess it could have been worse ;) 
I was so proud of him. As soon as we got in the car he was out like a light!

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is only 3 days away! That means there are only 3 days until Black Friday shopping madness, putting up the tree & covering the house in all things Christmas!  Let the festivities begin!

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