November 20, 2013

Christmas Bucket List

Life has been nonstop crazy around here. With all the holiday planning, getting Ryder on a schedule, Seth working an extra day during the week, & trying to keep the house clean. I feel like my head is spinning with all the decorating, gift buying, present wrapping, card making, treat baking fun. I had a moment of silence & I thought it would be fun to make a 25 days til Christmas bucket list. Some of these I will achieve a bit before December but that's alright. I'm ready to start scratching them off! Who's with me?

25.  Make grandma's delicious sugar cookies.
24.  Get family pictures taken.
23.  Send Christmas cards.
22.  Paint my nails bright red.
21.  Hang a string of lights somewhere unexpected. Like the closet or bathroom!
20.  Watch Elf & make paper snowflakes.
19.  Donate clothes to a local charity.
18.  Make cinnamon ornaments for the tree.
17.  Put reindeer antlers on the baby & myself. Make Seth embarrassed to go anywhere in public with us.
16.  Listen to Christmas music & dance.
15.  Pay for someone's coffee in line behind me.
14.  Play Christmas Trivia & take a drink of beer every time you get a wrong answer.
13.  Decorate our own wrapping paper & wrap presents.
12.  Have a date night, drink cocktails & watch Love Actually.
11.  Make treats for friends.
10.  Drink hot chocolate.
9.  Drive around & look at Christmas lights.
8.  Attempt to take Ryder to see Santa.
7. Visit the Festival of Trees.
6.  Make gingerbread people. Try not to eat every single one before the day is over.
5.  Go Christmas shopping & enjoy the hustle & bustle.
4.  Have a festive breakfast.
3.  Hang & stuff stockings.
2.  Watch Home Alone & Home Alone 2 back to back.
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal!
1.  Make cookies for Santa & wear new Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve.

What is on your Christmas bucket list?

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