April 25, 2013

Nursery Progress

We have been working hard on little Weber's wardrobe nursery. But at least he won't go naked for the next 6 months! I haven't gotten around to hanging any wall art. I can't wait to be out of the apartment and in a house where I can hang pictures with nails! I love 3M products, but they can get a little pricey. I've still got my eyes out for a few more organizing solutions, but I think I have basically found everything we will need and more!

Items that I won't stop should stop looking and searching for are clothes, blankets, bedding, and unique toys. Etsy is extremely addicting! I feel like I look at the same items over and over. I love all of the handmade blankets and bedding in his nursery print.

I think he may have enough clothes ;)

Pacifier Storage

Already like his daddy...not enough too many shoes! :)

On another note, I'm super anxious about my doctor's appointment on Friday. I am getting my glucose test done. I have heard some good stories and a few not so pleasant sounding. All I know is that if I don't eat the second that I get hungry, I become sick. So downing 12 ounces of pure sugar may not be a smart idea at 9 in the morning. WHY did I schedule the appointment at 9 AM?! That wasn't great planning on my part. What were your experiences with the test? I just hope that I am not restricted to the amount of sugar and other yummy foods that I just can't seem to get enough off. Although, recently anything I eat has been causing horrible heartburn. If Old Wives Tales are true, then baby W had better have a full head of hair!

Speaking of hair...I seriously have an over-abundance of hair recently! I got my hair thinned and nearly 4 inches cut off about a month ago. After trying for close to an hour the other day to straighten it, I realized that it is just as thick as it was before I got it cut. #thankyoupregnancyhormonesandvitamins

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