April 22, 2013

Where'd the time go?

I completely missed 22 weeks! Whoops! I have been so busy the past couple weeks, or so it seems. Last weeks we had Seth's birthday and my mom's birthday. We had 3 dinners for Seth and 2 for my mom. All last week we also had bad weather. We have gotten a TON accomplished on baby boy's nursery! I will be sure to get a post of all the most recent updates soon. Promise ;)

How far along? 23 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: I will find out on Friday.
Maternity clothes? Definitely sticking to yoga pants/capris and regular shirts.
Stretch marks? Small ones around my belly button :(

Sleep: Usually awesome...when I don't have to pee 3 times a night.
Best moment this week: Going shopping with my mom and all the yummy dinners out!
Miss Anything? Being able to bend over and move around with ease.
Movement: He loves to kick and wiggle! Most of the time I can see my belly moving under my shirts.
Food cravings: Mexican and salad!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much currently.
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: My ever growing belly!!
Belly Button in or out: Starting to poke out (EEK!)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: My baby shower.

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