May 2, 2013

24 weeks

I know I'm a week late in updates. This week our home was invaded by a nasty virus. I haven't slept much at all and now he is suffering from this cold. My phone also took a plunge into the sink yesterday. I'm fairly certain I was close to a mental breakdown by that point. But, better late than never, here is 24 weeks!

WOW! You can really see the virus that has over-stayed its welcome...

How far along? 24 weeks 5 days (in the picture)
Total weight gain: 20 lbs. This makes me super nervous!!!
Maternity clothes? Almost always.
Stretch marks? Small ones around my belly button :(

Sleep: Great! Except for the cold making me cough a million times and my sore throat.
Best moment this week: My doctor agreed to take baby! (Cross off "find pediatrician" off my to-do list!)
Miss Anything? beer
Movement: All the time!
Food cravings: A little bit of everthing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much currently.
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: This week I started having really bad leg cramps when I walk too fast.
Belly Button in or out: Starting to poke out (EEK!)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: My baby shower and meeting baby Weber!

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