May 20, 2017

Summer Break

Ryder is officially done with his first year of preschool and we are so excited to spend the next  fifteen weeks exploring together before the next school year begins. This will also be the last time the two of us will have so much time together before the baby comes this fall. I plan on squeezing as many fun adventures in before I get too uncomfortable later in the summer. I can't believe we are already through his first year of school. He loved school so much! On the last school day we had a picnic with his class. He was so sad when he learned a few of his friends would be moving onto kindergarten next year and that he wouldn't go back to play for a "long time". There will definitely be a lot of play dates with his friends this summer.

Like every year before we have put together a summer break adventure list. A few things on this list will be repeated many times throughout summer and others are on the list as first time adventures that we are so excited for. Something that I'm pushing myself to do this summer is to take videos as well as photos and making sure I put myself in front of the camera. My goal is to have a lot of memories and keepsakes for Ryder to have of just he and I before the baby is here with us. We've already started to cross off adventures from our list and we've decided to add a few more. Let the summer shenanigans begin!

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