May 20, 2017

Hello 2nd Trimester

{15 weeks}

The end of the first trimester was a doozy! I'm not even sure how I survived those last few weeks of random waves of nausea and exhaustion. We had a lot going on in our personal lives that I didn't share about here or on Instagram. Seth's father had been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer months ago, but at the end of April he suffered complications and ultimately we had to say our goodbyes. It was so very unexpected and we are still processing through it. With other family health concerns at the same time, we have just felt so overwhelmed and we haven't any time to just breathe. Thankfully, things are starting to calm down a bit as I settle into the second trimester.

I am so happy that most of the pregnancy symptoms are gone! I am getting my energy back, my appetite it back to normal, and I am feeling so ready to tackle these last few months with my first born! I have been feeling the baby move around since about 9 weeks, but lately the rolls are getting stronger and the flutters are starting to stop. I can't wait for Ryder to feel the baby move! He has already thrown out ideas for baby names and has promised that he will help with the diaper changes and baths. He asks every morning how the baby is doing and gives my belly kisses a dozen times every day.

As far as cravings go I don't have too many crazy ones yet. I want strawberries all day long and I could go for a grilled cheese every day for lunch. Salads have been a big one as well as New York style giant pizza slices with lots of sauce and cheese! Yum! I also want lemonade in every single glass. No foods really turn me off but smells are still super strong and occasionally make me queasy. I unfortunately have pregnancy insomnia which I didn't even know was a thing! We will be finding out the gender in just a few weeks and I am so excited!!! I am still convinced that I'm growing another little boy, but only time will tell.

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