July 4, 2017

It's A...

Baby number two is a girl!
I was completely surprised! I felt from the very first positive test that baby was a boy. I had the sonographer show me her goods a few times and even then I was still skeptical. Ha! We are all so thrilled that a sweet (or spicy) baby girl will be joining our family. Ryder gives my belly kisses all throughout the day and talks to her all the time. He tells her all about his Transformers and he is always asking if the baby is okay.

Sorry for the long delay of posting the gender on the blog. We had a slight complication during our twenty week scan and we wanted to wait until we had more understanding before really sharing about it. During the scan they noticed that baby girl had Echogenic bowels. It is detected by the bowels being "bright" on the sonogram. This could be an indicator of many different possibilities. It can also be as simple as the baby swallowing blood in the amniotic fluid, a bowel obstruction, or even just a bad sonogram. However, it can also be a soft indicator or Downs or Cystic Fibrosis. But after meeting with the specialist yesterday, we learned that baby girl is perfect! They found no Echogenic bowel and her heart looks great! We got to watch her move it 4D and the doctor took time to show us every detail on her tiny perfect body on the screen. I am so thankful!

{19 weeks}

{22 weeks}

I will be 24 weeks on Thursday and I have been feeling great except for the recent limited mobility. Not much makes me feel queasy and the strongest cravings that I have are for chocolate chip cookies all day, every day. Other things that I have been craving most are grilled cheese, salsa, and Caesar salad. Other than Ryder waking me up every now and then throughout the week, my sleep is pretty touch and go. Some nights I sleep great! Most often I can't sleep for anything. I sleep great the first couple of hours after laying down, but then I'm wide awake.

The next few weeks I plan on getting her spot in our bedroom ready. My grandfather made a wooden cradle when I was a baby and I can't wait to use it for baby girl! She will stay with us in our room the first few months like Ryder did. My goal is to change around our third bedroom and Ryder's room. The third bedroom is currently filled to the brim with toys. We've been going through them and downsizing, but there is still so many! This bedroom also has a large closet. I'm trying to convince Ryder to move into this bedroom so he can have his toys in his room with him. So far he doesn't like the idea. His bedroom is on the same side of the house as our bedroom and the toy room is across the house. I'd like to not have to walk across the house to reach baby girl in the middle of the night. We will work on it.

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