April 28, 2017

Baby #2 Update

I found out that I was pregnant after a trip to the doctor's office. I had originally gone to have my blood tested because I just wasn't feeling right on my birth control. We wanted to check out my hormone levels and make sure everything looked healthy. Two days later I received a phone call from the nurse and she informed me that my HCG levels were high, indicating that there was indeed a reason to my not feeling so hot. I immediately ran to the store to buy a test and sure enough, a little faint line appeared.  Surprise!

My official due date is November 2, which seems so far away at this point. I am so excited to have a brand new baby for the holidays! So much love and so many warm cuddles. I will also have a good excuse for staying up late to watch those Hallmark Christmas movies. ;)

We will definitely be finding out the sex of the baby. We don't really have a preference. I would love to give Ryder a brother to grow with and wrestle with all day every day, but I of course have been dreaming of having a little girl! With that being said, I already have a feeling of what this babe might be. Cannot wait to find out!

The bump so far, half baby, half Panera.

The beginning of this pregnancy was way different than the first. With Ryder I had a severe and sudden hunger at all times. Starting right around 4 weeks I was so sick that I could hardly move. I could keep only toast and Fruit Loops down and even that was a struggle for a week or two. At the end of week 6, I came down with a case of strep throat. I was convinced that I might not make it through the first trimester. With high fevers for a few days, I was so nervous about the baby. Luckily, with the strep throat, my morning sickness was taking a backseat. The second the antibiotics started to kick strep's butt, the morning sickness was back and was determined to make up for lost time. Finally around 10 weeks I was feeling much more like myself. I would still get the occasional rough days, but overall I was feeling much better.  The fatigue has been awful though! If I could I would sleep for hours during the day. Thankfully, coffee has been tasting good this whole time. I'm not sure we would be here if it weren't for the coffee.

Ryder and this baby will be 4 years and 2 months apart. They will be  a complete world apart which makes me nervous, but I know that Ryder will be such a big help when the babe gets here. He has been so excited and has been keeping this secret so well for so long. I can't wait to watch him grow into his new role as big brother!

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