November 2, 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween this year was so much fun! We attended a few different parties, wore costumes almost every day for weeks, and ate our weight in candy. Ryder asked to be the man in the yellow hat early in August and I just couldn't say no. We always like dressing up with him to go trick or treating. We decided that we would dress like Professor Wiseman and Chef Pisghetti from the Curious George tv show. I'm so glad we chose this family costume because at the beginning of September Ryder's love for all things Curious George faded. He still loves the books and won't sleep without his stuffed George, but he never wants to watch the movies or shows and chooses Paw Patrol every time. I also think this will be the last Halloween where I can pull off a fun family costume. Next year I bet I end up dressing like a superhero or crime fighter. Both would be fun though! ;)

I couldn't get over watching him walk up to each house, ringing the doorbell, and whispering "tick treat" at every house. He has gotten so big in such little time. A few houses had spooky decorations, which he loved, and some had people dressed scary sitting on the porch. It was after these houses that he insisted daddy walk to the door with him. Poor thing, hahah! He got so many goodies and we all had so much fun. Now it's time to start thinking about Christmas! I mean, think about Thanksgiving. Yeah, that's it! ;)

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