September 20, 2016

Weekend Adventure

We attended the Railway Days at the Monticello Railway Museum in Illinois again this year. We had more fun than last year and even got to ride more trains thanks to Ryder being older this year. Of course he loved it and was in complete heaven the entire day. The only thing that could have made his day better would be if they had grilled cheese as a lunch choice. Once we bought our tickets to ride, we had enough time to glance at the train schedule before Ryder decided he wanted to ride the diesel train that was leaving at that moment. We climbed on and enjoyed the quick ride into town. We decided to play at a nearby playground and ride the steam train back to the museum. Ryder loved the steam train, but he wasn't a fan of the noise. We sat just behind the engine in an open car. They have so many things for kids to do other than ride the trains and walk through train cars. They have a barrel train that takes the kids on a fun ride around the grounds, pedal cars, bounce houses, and model trains. Ryder is still talking about that day and all of the trains!

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