September 12, 2016

What We're Reading | Fall + Halloween

I can't believe it's already the second week of September! This year has gone by so fast! Before we get into what books we are ready this season, I wanted to give a quick update on what we've been up to lately. I haven't had much time to sit down and write about all of the things we've been doing because we've been doing so many things! First things first, Ryder started preschool! He attends school for five hours a week, which isn't much. He does great according to his teachers and he is always a hot, sweaty mess when I pick him up. Drop off is rough and we are having a hard time on our non-school days, but I'm sure we will get a good system in place and he will start to get use to all of the new things. Of course, he caught some nasty virus after his first week in school. This week we are slowing down to help him recover and feel better.

This week the apple orchard started selling their apple cider and I just know I won't be able to resist. We may come home with a few too many jugs, but I plan on making donuts, muffins, breads, and apple cider slushies! I'm not a huge fan of pumpkin spice drinks, but I can't get enough cider. Ryder loves it too and I just have to be sure to dilute it with lots and lots of water. ;)

Now, about those books. We are into all things orange, red, yellow, spooky, pumpkins, ghosts, bats, witches, and monsters! We have spent too much time searching the library and bookstore the past few weeks in search of new stories. Here are our favorites that we ready way too many times every day.

Pete the Cat: Five Little Pumpkins
"Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate. The first one said oh my it's getting late!"
We painted the paper dark blue, glued on a paper fence and grass, added a paper moon. I found those jack-o-lantern felt stickers in the Dollar Spot at Target. We read the book one time, then as we read it again we added each pumpkin. Now every time we read it he insists on following along with his "five pumpins" picture.

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