August 10, 2016

Back To School

An alternate title to this post would be: Headed To Preschool, Don't Cry Too Hard! We are currently avoiding all books and tv shows that are about heading to school. When we talk about going to school Ryder instantly bursts into tears. He cries out that mommy should come with him. Wish me luck in a few weeks. Luckily, his preschool is only two days a week and only a couple hours in the morning. I know that drop offs will be very rough but I'm hoping he quickly makes friends and learns to enjoy being at school.

He won't need much for preschool, at least not like he would for kindergarten, but that hasn't stopped me from taking full advantage of the school supply sales! He does however need new school clothes. He grew so much this summer that a lot of his winter clothes from last year won't fit this season. I've put together a few of our favorite back to school clothing items.

Ryder won't be staying for lunch, but when I pick him up it will be lunchtime. Since we have a 40 minute drive home, I need to have food ready for him to eat when we get in the car. Some days we will pick food up from a restaurant, but most days I will have a lunch packed for him. I'm not sure on what food I will feed him because he is so very picky! He prefers his lunch to be made of snack-type foods, but I'm thinking after a busy morning in school he will be pretty hungry when he gets in the car.

We are normally never late, but we do have battles when it comes to leaving the house early in the morning. I'm kind of nervous about getting us out the door with few tears or ever getting us out of the door on time. I'm fairly confident that I can get myself organized enough to set out all of his things the night before so that all I need to do is grab it on the way out.

What are some of your tips and tricks to getting out the door early in the morning?


  1. OH goodness, Good luck!! I really hope he makes friends quickly. Have fun Ryder!!

    40 minute commute is a long way for preschool. That won't be fun. I had that for work before we moved and HATED it, which is why we moved. I'm much happier now. lol

    1. I could have chosen closer preschools but I'm really wanting to homeschool and this is just for socialization.
