August 15, 2016

Turning 3

Oh my sweet boy, how are you already three years old? I feel like this last year flew by. You have grown so much in just twelve months. You have learned so many new words and phrases lately. You can count to fourteen with very little help. You know all of your colors and shapes. Drawing a circle is your favorite thing to do and we have so many circle drawings hanging on our fridge. Your favorite colors are purple and blue, in that order. You love to dress-up and pretend to be Peter Pan and Captain Hook all day, every day and sometimes you throw on your fireman's helmet and race around the house on your tricycle, rushing to emergencies. You squeal with delight when we see a city bus and you always let us know how many diggers there are at the construction site on the way in town. Curious George and Daniel Tiger are still your favorite tv shows, but occasionally Blaze the Monster Machine and Bubble Guppies are all you want to watch. You insist on just "one more" book before bedtime and you will only fall asleep with mommy laying next to you.

He will start preschool in September and I'm so nervous about it. I fully intend and plan on homeschooling so this is really just like a socialization experiment. Ha! It will only be two days a week for a couple hours each day. He has been a mix of emotions about it. We started off excited and he would wear his back pack around the house all day, but the closer we get and the more we talk about it, the more nervous he has started to get. I'm sure it will be rough the first few weeks, but I know that he will soon make new friends and he will love going to school.

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