June 2, 2016

What We're Reading | All About Animals

I've been working on starting something new for the blog for a couple months now, but just haven't had the time to share. I love seeing what books other children his age are reading and thought I would share what we are into. I am going to try to do a collection at least every month. Ryder has recently become a little bookworm and I couldn't love it more. Let me start be saying that he is only interested in sitting down long enough for stories before bed at night and after waking from his afternoon nap. These times are his favorites for snuggling in the chair or in our bed and reading a few books. Before bed, we keep it to a three book maximum. This is only because he will use the "more books" excuse to stay up late. Most nights he is ready to turn the lights off after only one or two books. Currently, a lot of our adventure have taken us to the zoo. So naturally, he has been loving books about animals. He gets so excited at the zoo when we see an animal from one of our stories and he will act out or recite parts of the books to me.

What We're Reading collection | All About Animals:

We keep books in three different locations. He has open cubby shelves in his room that house puzzles, toys, and books. These are where I keep his absolute favorites and classic stories that we read frequently. One cubby is strictly for board books that he reads on his own during the day or that he is allowed to bring with us out to eat. The second cubby is for the hardback and paperback books that we call his "library". These are books that always stay the same. Most of these include collections such as Eric Carle books, Curious George books, How Do Dinosaur books, and more series like these.

I keep a wall shelf at his level and change out five to seven books that match the seasons or holidays. These books are usually read a few times before we switch them out again. Currently it is a collection of books that he loves since I am working on reorganizing him room. Occasionally a book will be loved so much that it does get placed into his "library". I really try to keep them separate so that I can use them as a teaching tool. When we purchase new books, they will also go on this shelf. I try to only add one or two new books every month or so.

The last place that we keep books is in his closet in a large clear, plastic tote. These books are ones that he has outgrown as a reader, seasonal or holiday books waiting to be placed on the wall shelf, and books that he isn't old enough to understand. Every now and then I will buy a book that is for an older age because it is a classic or I didn't want to forget it.

We do visit the local library every other month and bring home a handful of books. These books will always be kept on the wall shelf as well. Ryder does fairly well with books. We have always taught him to be gentle and turn the pages with soft touches even when he was learning to read board books. He knows that throwing books and ripping books will mean that we go straight to bed and that is no fun at all. He has always been good at knowing to use nice touches with fragile items though so we find that we only need to remind him every now and then. Our library has an amazing children's area full of games, toys, a playhouse, a climber, and child size furniture. Most times I browse books while he plays. Once he has played for about thirty minutes he is usually happy to help me look through the selection of books that I've picked and find the perfect books to take home. Our library also has movies to rent but we seldom rent them as he gets upset that we have to return those. Can't say I blame him. ;)

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