May 31, 2016

Splashing Into Summer

It has been a weekend full of summer storms. The mornings start out sunny, humid, and calm. But by lunchtime, the skies open! Ryder loves storms. Thank goodness. He gets so excited when he hears that first roll of thunder or sees the "boom cloud" on the radar. We are working on thunderstorm safety and rules currently. He doesn't quite understand why he can't play outside when there is thunder. But he loves listening for the rain and waiting for the lightening to light up the room. Unfortunately, the storms always start to roll in just as we are about to head out for the day. Nothing ruins a fun swim day that opening the door to hail and wind. It will calm down soon and then we will be outside all the time. But until then we will be curled up on the couch watching movies or jumping on the bed. ;)

We had such a great Memorial Day! We invited our new friends (and neighbors) over for a cookout and let the kids get soaked in the rain. Of course the neighborhood cat, Groucho, had to join in for a little fun and backyard barbecue food. He was all about licking leftover popcicle good off of the kids but once they had their water guns in hand, he ran for the hills!

This morning our friends came over for what was suppose to be an early morning swimming play date, but thanks to the storms, it had to be moved indoors. Once the thunder moved on we got a chance to put on boots and play in the rain! The kids loved it! I have no words for a few of these photos. These two fight like siblings but then turn around and give hugs, kisses, and a ton of laughter. They are too cute for words.

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