May 16, 2016

Motivated Monday

Three mornings out of the week he asks for popcorn for breakfast. I happily oblige because, popcorn! I like to tell myself that it's okay, it's fiber. I've recently gotten stuck in a photography rut. I rarely pick my camera up to document anything lately. As I set Ryder on the counter while we waited for popcorn and coffee, I saw a moment that I wanted to remember forever. Even though I see him sitting on this counter at least once a day, I know that just like other small things, it will eventually be replaced by other memories. I grabbed my camera and started snapping. Before I knew it, I wanted to document our entire day together. For obvious reasons as we went about our errands with a two year old attitude, my camera was the last thing on my mind. 

I am now making it a point to document at least one day per week and this will include at least one video and putting myself in front of the camera. I need to challenge myself to get better and putting myself in photos and video for my family to keep and look back on.

This post really isn't about much. I just wanted to post it here in hopes that it challenges me to keep up with it. I also wanted to share these few pictures that I took that morning because they keep my motivated.

Happy Monday!

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