May 5, 2016

Goodbye April

April definitely went out with showers. We've had rain and storms just about every other day the last couple weeks of April. We aren't complaining though. Most of the rain is in the morning or late afternoon making perfect mornings for donuts and cuddles or puddle splashing in gorgeous sunsets.

I just wanted to post a few photos from April that I never got around to posting, but I love them so very much! May will be one of the busiest months full of weddings, farmer's markets, photo sessions, graduations, garage sales, and of course getting ready for summer! We are so excited to start on our summer bucket list, but I'll save that for another post. Here is a little April recap.

Happy Cinco De Mayo! Ryder had me up all night, so we won't be partying too hard today. In fact, I think we will work on Mother's Day gifts and take a long nap after some tacos for lunch ;)

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