April 19, 2016

Lions, Tigers, and Stingrays. Oh My!

Last week was the longest week of my life. We have all been fighting off one virus after the next but last weekend Seth ended up with a severe bacterial Bronchitis infection. It was awful! It affected all of us. But near the end of the week he was on the mend, which was good because his birthday was on Saturday. The big three OH! Although he was still coughing pretty much so we couldn't really do much or go anywhere. He took yesterday off work so we could celebrate. The weather was beautiful so we decided to head to the zoo. And oh boy did Ryder have the time of his life!

If there is any place on earth other than the train station that he would rather be it's at the zoo, and maybe the beach. The zoo had recently brought their stingrays back for the summer and Ryder loved it! He was so nervous at first to touch them, but once a ray swam up to him when he wasn't paying attention, he was over that fear. Then we couldn't keep him away! I had to document his little hand waiting patiently in the water for one to swim up to him. He thought it was especially funny when we got to feed them. Although, he wouldn't do it himself, but watching mama and daddy feed them was just the best! So here are a bunch of pictures of his hand in the water and a little zoo too. ;)

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