April 8, 2016

Friday Favorites

We are so excited that April is finally here! We are so excited for fresh blooms, sunny days, stormy days, and lots of bright and beautiful colors. This year is flying by. I wanted to share a few things that we can't get enough of currently.

This time of year the weather here in the Midwest can get a little crazy. A typically day could start of sunny then turn to severe weather and back to sunny in a matter of one hour. So we need to always be prepared for all types of weather. I like to keep a basket in the car to hold things we may need while we are out, such as, extra clothes for both of us, umbrella, towel, quilt, snacks (that can handle heat), bottle of water, and a toy or book. I am loving these blankets by Six and Grand. They are lightweight but provide enough coverage when the ground is damp. They come in so many fun, bright colors! They are a must for spending the day at the park.

I bought us new water bottles for this spring and summer as well. We always take bottles with us everywhere we go. Sometimes I will pack a cooler with milk or juice for Ryder but we will always have our bottles or water with us. I add lemon and grapefruit essential oils to my water so I make sure that our bottles are always made of glass. I found these BKR glass water bottles and fell in love with them! They have a silicone cover that helps keep them protected against drops and Hulk smashes. But my favorite things about them is the sizes that they come in. The have a large 1 liter, the original 500 ml, and teeny 250 ml which is perfect for tiny hands.

With spring comes a lot of rainy days. We have had no shortage of puddles this month. I finally made the jump and bought Ryder Hunter Boots. I was very hesitant due to the price but I must say that they are 100% worth every penny! Easy to clean, comfortable, fun colors, and nearly indestructible! Which are all must haves. I bought Ryder boots that are nearly two sizes too big but I'm hoping to get a couple years out of them. Even if he outgrows them by next year, they will definitely get their use and should still be in good condition should there be another little one in the future. I think I may need to buy myself a pair as well.

I also wanted to write down a few of our go to rainy day activities in case some of you are in need of new ideas. I love to hear what others do during poor weather days. Here are a few things we do to help burn off energy when playing outside isn't an option:
1 | story time at the library - Our library provides story time three times a week and they also have a fun place for children to play, we visit every other week
2 | couch cushion jumping - Put all couch cushions and pillows on the floor in an open space, walk along them and jump on them
3 | washing dishes in the kitchen sink - Fill the sink with warm soapy water. Be sure to keep a lot of towels handy!
4 | Play Doh - We keep our Play Doh box stashed away and only get it down when we need a sit down or quiet activity.
5 | tape tracks - I use painter or masking tape and build a long road from one room to the next. Then we use our wooden vehicles and drive them around.
6 | paint with different materials around the house - q-tips, hairbrush, car wheels, rolling pin...
7 | turn up fun music and have a dance party
8 | balloons - we always keep a stash of balloons ready to be blown up
9 | car wash - fill a shallow plastic tote with a few inches of water, add bubbles and different size sponges
10 | rainbow volcano

Baking up yummy treats is our favorite way to keep busy on a rainy day. We always build a blanket fort in the living room and watch a movie or two with a giant bowl of popcorn while we wait for the goodies to finish baking and cooling. ;)

What are some of the fun things you find to do when playing outside isn't an option?

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