April 1, 2016

April Showers

I've always heard the phrase, "March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb." We had some intense storms during these last few days but nothing beats the smell of fresh cut grass, fallen rain, and budding blooms. Last year I had hopes of building a raised garden box but it never happened. This year we are making it a reality and I can't wait! I've started a few spinach seedlings in the house but I'm waiting until we get the garden ready to start the carrots and pea seedlings. I've never grown either so I'm really excited!

I've never started seedlings in egg shells before. I did a lot of researching this winter and I read that many people have had great success with starting their seeds in egg shells, then planting the entire shell and sprout once it reaches about two inches tall. So, I thought I'd give it a shot this year. And if it doesn't work then I still have about 20 seeds anyways.

And speaking of April showers, I just couldn't resist the opportunity to let Ryder get a little dirty after yesterday's rainstorm.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures and ideas! Great photo of his jump!
