January 25, 2016

The Big Hill

Once Sunday night rolls around I always find myself with a mix of emotions. I'm so relaxed but also so sad that tomorrow will be Monday. Seth will go back to work, chores will have to be done, and I will have to find ways to keep a two year old entertained while staying indoors. Our weekends aren't always full of fun and adventure but when they are it makes starting the next week a little bit harder. So, since I'm not ready to let go of our fun weekend, here are photos from our sledding adventure.

This was Ryder's first time sledding. The first time down the big hill ended in a facefull of snow and a few big tears. We chose a smaller hill at the bottom and he then discovered how much he loved the snow and sledding! Although, I'm pretty certain he would rather throw snowballs at us and lay on his belly in the snow.

Happy Monday! Can you believe we are in the last week of January already?

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