December 12, 2015

Counting Down To Christmas

We are officially counting the days until Christmas. The problem with counting down the days is you start to see how fast those days are going. Every year I get so excited for the holidays, Thanksgiving comes and goes, and then it's Christmas and I feel like we didn't spread enough cheer. This year, there has been Christmas movies or music on constantly, lots of pretty decorations, so much good food, and plenty of jolly! Ryder is very into Christmas so far and has been so excited with every single tradition and activity. I love watching Christmas through a child's eyes.

The other day we spent a good part of the day baking our favorite gingerbread cookies. He has a very short attention span when it comes to cooking or baking but he loves to help. His favorite part, other than the tasting, is to add ingredients and mix. He is also very good at making a huge mess and then repeating, "Uh oh, mama. Eww!"

Also, if you want to know how much of a control freak you really are, just let a toddler help you in the kitchen. You will learn real fast! Happy weekending!

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