December 20, 2015

Soaking Up The Season

There is only four days left until Christmas! That means there are only a few more days to soak up all of the jolly fun before it's here and gone. The last few days before Christmas are my absolute favorite! Schools are on Christmas break, there are cookies, pies, and yummy pastries baking in ovens warming homes, the smell of fresh pine and cinnamon from trees, and the joy that fills the air. I love it all! We have been spending this last week crafting, baking, or decorating every single day. All of the gifts are wrapped and most under the tree, Christmas cards have been sent, and now it's time to really time to get down to business. With our colds and all.

I want to share a few pictures from our early Christmas party with some of our family last weekend. This year we chose to celebrate early and we all enjoyed it! This means there will be more time to relax on Christmas eve and Christmas day instead of running from house to house.


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