December 7, 2015


I had a much-needed fun evening out with an old friend on Friday night. Although, coffee and cinnamon rolls for dinner and then walking around Target without kids is always a recipe for a good time. Saturday we we to a nearby town for their Christmas market. They decorate the square in lights and vendors from all over come to show off their goods. Plus there are a ton of shops with vintage decor and architecture. They had free horse drawn carriage rides and Ryder was in complete awe.

We haven't done too many "fun" things with our elf this year. Most mornings we find that he is just sitting in a new spot. He has made a swing in the doorway with a paper roll and brought a book for Ryder. I have a few other fun things planned but we will just have to see if our elf is motivated to do them. Sunday we woke to our elf bringing us an indoor snowball fight! Ryder loved throwing the snowballs at daddy all morning. I got these snowballs at Target in the stocking stuffers.

Seth had a soccer game on Sunday so Ryder and I spent the night on the couch under lots of blankets, watching old Christmas movies and sipping hot cocoa with a drop of peppermint in it for me. It is so yummy and addicting!
Happy Monday!

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