September 9, 2015

A Is For Apple

We have started week one of "Tot School" over here. Before staying home with Ryder I taught two year olds and loved it! I loved watching how much they grow and learn between being a toddler and growing into a child. I am using a lot of the same lesson plans and guides that I used in the classroom. Each week we are focusing on a different letter, color, shape, or theme. If one seems particularly hard we will revisit in again after a week or so. That is one of my favorite parts of teaching Ryder at home. To start off we are focusing on the letter A. He has caught onto the sounds that the letter A makes and can point out the letter A most of the time. He's most proud of the artwork that he makes.

We visited the apple orchard also this week. How could we not since apple starts with A and it's that time of year! Ryder had a blast picking his own apples and running wild and free through the orchard since we had the place to ourselves.

Happy hump day! Ryder is sleeping and I'm about to make something with all of these apples!

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