August 22, 2015

Ryder Turns Two

I've been trying to write this post for weeks now. Sometimes the words just flow right out, but most of the time they just sit and turn into pools of tears in my eyes. I know, emotional mama. But I can't help it. My first born, my baby boy is no longer a tiny dependent infant. He is growing so fast and learning so much. I am so proud and so excited to watch him enter into his new adventure but I can't help but feel very sad that it's getting harder for me to hold him in arm to rock him. But at the same time, I am also so happy to catch glimpses of the person he is growing into. On that note...

Dear Ryder,
Oh my how the time really does fly! I want to write to you today and tell you all of my favorite things about you at this time in our lives. Tomorrow is a different day and I want to remember everything exactly how it is. I want to remember how you always pull a kitchen chair up to the counter when I start cooking because you want to help too. You love to "wash dishes" while I prepare dinner. I want to remember the way your face lights up when you finally hear daddy's car or motorcycle turn onto the ally after work. I want to remember the way you walk to me with your hands held straight out as you come for a hug and how you squeeze my neck and pat my back with your small hand. I want to remember the way you point to pictures and loudly announce that you can see "dada" and "mama" in every single one. Or the way that you jump straight in the air and land hard on your bottom on the couch, bed, and in the pool. I want to remember the way you grab our hands and lead us to where you want to go. Not all days are easy for us but every day is a blessing. I love you to the moon and back!

weight: 31 pounds
height: 35 inches
favorite animal: all animals (except bugs!)
favorite color: blue + orange
favorite book: Goodnight Train, Freight Train, Potty Train and My Truck Is Stuck
favorite toys: wooden trains, jumbo animals, Little People and trucks
favorite foods: ice cream cones, spaghetti + garlic bread, applesauce, cinnamon raisin bread, yogurt, pretzels with peanut butter and fruit punch
favorite movie: Dumbo + Lady And The Tramp
favorite tv show: Chugginton, Paw Patrol, Curious George, Daniel Tiger and Dinosaur Train

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