August 18, 2015

Family Vacation

This year we explored Starved Rock State Park in Illinois for our annual Weber family vacation. We stayed at a neighboring resort with an indoor waterpark. And while it was fun and full of adventure, we are so happy to be back home. I love going on vacation. Discovering new places, making new memories, and forgetting about schedules can be fun and exciting. But coming home always feels so refreshing and it might be my favorite part of leaving on vacation.

We spent three days on our short trip and Ryder surprised us. He did great with a mixed up schedule, new surroundings, completely exhausting activities, and barely any naps. He slept great in our rental and even loved walking through the canyons at the state park. His favorite parts of the trip were the waterpark, all of the ice cream, and the arcades. My favorite was watching Ryder play with his daddy and cousin and I just couldn't get over the beauty of the canyons.

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