August 11, 2015

Happy Birthday, Ryder!

Ryder's birthday was better than I imagined! Seth took the day off and we took him for his first train ride! We were a little worried at first. The plan was to board the train at a neighboring town and ride it into Springfield where we would meet up with family, eat pizza and ice cream, then board another train and be home just in time for a late nap. I knew that trains can run a little late. But I didn't plan on waiting for our arriving train to be over two hours late! We spent time at a playground then drove back home. We had just enough time to pick up snacks (we were suppose to board at 9:15 and it was nearing 11:20) and get to the station with enough time to snap a few pictures. Our train was coming to the station while another train was passing by. Both trains were honking and the crossing alarm was going off causing Ryder to becoming terrified of the noise. Luckily our train didn't stop long enough for us to even get on board and we were on our way! He loved the ride once we were inside. We had just enough time to meet family and eat our pizza before our train arrived ready to take us home. It was a crazy day but we enjoyed every minute of it! I just wanted to share a few pictures from his birthday and our adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Terrific photos except of all us grandparents at the end. LOL! It was a great day. What a wonderful present to give your son on his birthday. We had lots and lots of fun!
