July 19, 2015

28 Things About Me

I turned 28 yesterday. I always had a vision of what my last few years in my twenties would look like. I knew that I would have a baby. I knew that I would be madly in love with the man of my dreams. I knew that I would be spending all of my days making our house a home. And I knew that I would be dreading and anticipating the coming years. I thought it would be fun to share a little about myself, since I'm always posting about Ryder and not so much myself. So here we go, 28 things about me for my 28th birthday!

1. I am an only child.
2. I have irrational fears of slugs, traffic and roller coasters.
3. I make lists for everything.
4. My favorite shows are currently The Walking Dead, Once Upon A Time, and Pretty Little Liars. (Who the hell is A?)
5. I have only visited 4 states other than my home state.
6. I loved science and history in school and did awful (still do) in math.
7. I taught 2 year olds for close to 9 years before staying home with Ryder.
8. I never wanted a large family until I had Ryder.
9. My favorite animal is dolphins.
10. Sipping iced coffee on the porch before anyone is awake is on of my favorite things.
11. I hate hashtags.
12. I make the best to-do lists right before I fall asleep. It's very inconvenient.
13. I can quote nearly every Disney movie. "Ah, you have spirit for one so small. And such spirit is deserving of a sporting chance. Now, I'm going to close my eyes and count to ten. It makes the chase more interesting...for me." Name that movie. :)
14. I'd rather eat breakfast at dinner time than in the morning.
15. I am a huge procrastinator.
16. I am a Harry Potter fan for life!
17. My biggest pet peeve is when someone smacks their lips while eating.
18. I hate running. It's the number 1 reason I don't play sports.
19. My favorite color is white.
20. I hate talking on the phone. Text me.
21. I love picnics.
22. I had 3 majors in college. Early childhood education, Biology, and Business.
23. My heart belongs on the beach.
24. I am obsessed with plants recently. I must have them in every room of the house.
25. I cannot go to bed with a sink full of dirty dishes.
26. Christmas is my favorite holiday with Halloween as a close second.
27. I only drink my coffee over ice with half and half.
28. My family means the world to me. Making sure our life is happy and fun for them will always be my number 1 priority.

So there you have it, a little more about me! Now I want to know what we have in common! :)

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