July 23, 2015

Just Rambling

I can't believe we are in the countdown to Ryder's second birthday. In just over two weeks he will be turning two. He will no longer be considered a baby. He is turning into a kid in front of my eyes. Restaurants will no longer consider him a "free" meal. Recently he has started acting so much older. He's started to talk a little more and he showed me the other day that he knows just about even animal and what they sound like. He showed me that while he doesn't know all of the shapes by name, he can match all 10 of them on our puzzles without missing one. He can quote (and do gestures) from about 5 Disney movies and he has nearly all of the songs from those movies memorized.

He can climb stairs like a grown person and he knows how to load and unload the dishwasher with very little directions. I was surprised the other day when he decided to make himself a snack. He had gotten a bowl (we leave them in a cabinet at his level) filled it with cheddar bunnies, pretzels, and came to me for help opening the fridge for blueberries. He eats cereal with milk and spoon and can use a knife (plastic always) better than most adults.

 But the biggest big kid thing that he decided that he is ready to tackle is potty training! He goes on the potty almost every time and can usually hold it for about 15 minutes if we are out. He stops playing and runs to the potty when he needs to go. I'm just not sure I'm ready for this. But I've potty trained close to one hundred children in my days at the daycare so I know I've got this! ;) He has been doing great without a sticker chart. We've just been giving him either a sticker to wear or a white chocolate chip (his choice) when he goes #2 on the potty. Other than that he is just so proud that we haven't had to make a big deal out of it. Once we are done with the training I will write a post about our go-to's and favorites, along with any tips and tricks I have. But for now here is what we are using, minus the Chuggington stickers.

toilet seat || Potty Train book || star stickers (Target $1 spot)

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