May 22, 2015

Wild Week, Wild Animals

What a week! Seriously, this week alone Ryder has graduated from his swim class, graduated from his gym class, we went to the zoo, we organized all of his baby clothes and got them ready to be tagged for our garage sale, we took a two hour trip away by ourselves to meet friends at the zoo, and we have started to make our summer play schedule! It may not sound like much but boy am I pooped! Here is a look at our week.

This was our last (Monday) swim class. We still have one more next week but it is a different class and group.

A side note about this picture, when I was a toddler I would carry around two sometimes three pacifiers in my mouth. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

We arrived a few minutes after the zoo opened. And although it was already busy, for some reason no one was near the sea lions. I watched these two dance and run from one side of the window and back for about 10 minutes before anyone else came over. Ryder loved it!

 We started gym class in August last year. Ryder has now graduated from the Birds class and I couldn't be anymore emotional about it than I am right now. Here is a picture of when he started last year on the left. On the right is from today at his showcase.

Happy Fri-yay! We are getting ready for all of the graduation parties and Memorial Day over here. What are your plans for this long weekend?

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