May 18, 2015

Weekend Recap

This weekend was full of busy fun! The weatherman kept calling for severe storms Friday through Sunday but we only got a few, mostly early in the mornings. The rest of the days felt hot and humid, just like summer! We got Ry a small pool to splash in, went to a car show, got a new toy (guess I need to learn to ride a bike again), cooked out, and enjoyed ice cream!

We joined Seth at bike night on Friday. I wasn't sure how Ryder would do with all of the loud motorcycles but he ended up loving every minute of them. He especially liked it when a friend let him sit on his bike. He wanted to stay on it all night! Ryder even made it onto the group's Facebook page!

Ryder has this thing with anything on wheels. It's inherited and I couldn't be more proud and nervous. He bribes everyone he sees to ride lawn mowers. He's suckered my dad into it so many times but this weekend it was my grandpa's turn. They both enjoyed it so much and I will forever treasure the pictures and memory of watching them.

We ended the weekend with gutter cleaning, mini motorcycle rides, Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken and a walk to get ice cream cones.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. You have the cutest little boy EVER and take THE best pictures!
