May 14, 2015

School's Out Bucket List

Even though none of us are in school I still love to celebrate the summer. There's nothing better (for a kid) than to hear that last school bell of the year. Three months of freedom! Ryder and I are starting our summer vacation a little early because, well, we can and we want to! There are so many things that I want to do and see with him this year. He is at an age where everything from last year is new again and everything is awesome! One of the best parts of being a mom is watching the world through your child's eyes. Seriously, it's the best!

I've compiled a bucket list for our summer adventures. Some are easy, others will be more of a challenge. I plan to also have some fun activities and crafts along the way as well. So be sure to look for the DIYs and tutorials.

1 | Feed ducks at the lake.
2 | Watch boats at the marina.
3 | Visit the zoo. There are about 5 zoos within
100 miles from our house.
4 | Climb a big hill and roll down.
5 | Take swimming lessons.
6 | Visit a waterpark.
7 | Explore the Science Center in St. Louis.
8 | Visit a farm.
9 | Hike a trail.
10 | Ride a train. A real train.
11 | Make bird feeders.
12 | Go to a children's museum.
13 | Explore a new playground.
14 | Go on a doughnut date.
15 | Buy pastries at a local bakery.
16 | Explore downtown.
17 | Make sun catchers for the windows.
18 | Play in the rain.
19 | Visit New Salem.
20 | Go to a carnival.
21 | Visit a petting zoo.
22 | Get snow cones.
23 | Eat ice cream before dinner.
24 | Build a fort.
25 | Go camping.
26 | Visit a beach.
27 | Go on a nature walk.
28 | Go fishing.
29 | Have a breakfast picnic.
30 | Shop at the local farmer's market.

And can we just talk about these pictures for a moment? This kid is completely obsessed with his daddy's mini bike! He will stand at the backdoor crying and screaming for hours just begging to go for a ride "room-room". He cries when it's time to get off after rides and he can't be outside without asking to go into the garage to climb on it. He's learned how to kick-start it, not that he has the strength, he knows how to make it go, and he thinks he's hot stuff now that he can climb up and swing his leg over all on his own. Oh and let's not forget that he even stands on it just like his daddy does. I guess we need to move somewhere with a lot of dirt...and buy a helmet, and knee pads, and full body armor. Maybe I will just put him in a bubble suit.


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