May 10, 2015

Mom's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all mamas! Whether you are expecting your first, celebrating your little ones, those whom are trying, those who have lost whether it be in the womb or lost too soon, those whom have given another a chance to be a mama, those whom are waiting for adoption, those whom had an adoption fall through, those whom have taken on the roll of mother and father, and those of you whom are mamas to fur babies, I wish you all a very blessed and happy day! You all deserve it! Being a mama is no easy task. It's not for the faint of heart.

I spent my day with those that I love. We surprised my (soon-to-be) mother-in-law at her church. We waited until just before service began to sneak in behind her with a bouquet of flowers. Little did we know that Seth's sister had decided to join her today too!

We enjoyed a family lunch at my parents house after church. Ryder was pretty excited that he got to stay up way past his nap time and that he got to show off play with Nana, Papa, the dogs, his great-grandparents, great aunt and cousin! There was lots of food, lots of noise, lots of running, and lots of giggles.

But let's be honest. This is what was really happening...

So cheers to all you moms out there! And bonus points if you still had to go to work, get the groceries, clean the house, do the dishes, wash the laundry (that may still be sitting in the washing machine), do the cooking, take care of the kiddos, and doing everything that else you do, because if you didn't the world would probably end. :)

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