May 8, 2015

Twenty-One Months

I can't believe that I almost have a two year old. I've almost been a mom for two years. I've kept a human being alive and healthy for two years! Where did the time go?

Dear Ryder,

     Hello, love. The past couple months have been a whirlwind for you and I. The weather has been warming up so we have spend most of our days outside going for walks, exploring nature, and climbing everything we can. You've been learning a few new words and you've started singing a few songs (mostly just the tunes) of your favorite movies. You can't get enough of the seven dwarfs on Snow White and you think that Jungle Book was made just for you. You know all of the songs, words, and motions. Your newest favorite foods are berry smoothies and pretzels. But you still can't get enough pasta and cheese. You love helping me water the plants every morning and our new game while we are watering them is to sprinkle your bare feet. It's the best fun ever! You started swim lessons too! At first you were nervous about the whole water thing but soon you learned that you loved the water, just not going under the water. Daddy took you on your first motorcycle ride (mini motorcycle) a few weeks ago. You absolutely loved it! You sat on the seat in front of him and held on the the bar. I couldn't get enough of your squeals and your hair standing straight up as you rode around the block. Now you insist on going for a ride anytime that the garage door is open.You definitely got the love of fast cars, big trucks, and two wheels. It makes me nervous and excited to see you learn to ride one of your own, which I know will happen sooner than I'd like it to. You've also started to get shy around people. You will bury your head into my chest and hold on tight to my arms. I can always here a faint giggle when realize that you can't breathe in that position. I'm so glad that every now and then you need me to rock you to sleep or when you just need to relax during the day. I know that it won't be long before you are too big and won't want me to cuddle you so I make sure to never say "no". I love you to the moon and back!      

21 Month Stats
weight | 30.5 pounds
height | 33.5 inches
clothing size | 24 months + 2T

favorite foods | smoothies, pretzels, pasta, cheese, bbq sauce and berries
favorite things | animals + animal sounds, going on walks, collecting rocks, painting, yellow boots,
spreading "jams" on toast, jumping into the pool, Radio Flyer scooter and wagon
dislikes | staying inside and getting hair washed
favorite songs | "Hi-Ho"-Snow White, "I Wanna Be Like You"-Jungle Book, and "If You're Happy And You Know It"
favorite movies | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Dumbo, The Lion King, Peter Pan, and Lady and the Tramp

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