May 26, 2015

Memorial Weekend

I want to start off this post by saying thank you to all who have fought and served so that we may have freedom. We kept those who gave their all in our thoughts all weekend. Thank you!

My beautiful cousin graduated from high school this weekend! I am so proud of the strong-willed and determined woman she has become. Congrats, girl! We spent the day Saturday celebrating her achievements with a little BBQ cookout. Ryder made a new friend at the party. I think it's safe to say that he will be a heart breaker.

We surprised my dad and joined him out at the air field. Ryder was in awe over all of the RC airplanes. He was so excited each time one would start, take off, and come in for a landing. And I know for a fact that a certain Papa loved showing his grandson off to all of his friends.

Sunday we spent the entire morning and early afternoon trying to wear Ryder out for a good nap before our friends came over for a cookout. Let me tell you what didn't happen. He was awake from 7 am and didn't sleep for more than 15 minutes until he finally crashed hard on the couch at 7:45 pm. But the cookout went great! Summer has officially begun in my book. Ryder went to bed with sunscreen and bug spray on, dirty feet, wet hair, and a smile on his face.

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