June 1, 2015

Sick + Rainy Weekend

We have been spending the past week fighting off all kinds of nasty viruses. It all started with a double ear infection. Ryder's right ear was so close to rupturing when we went to see the doctor. Luckily his ear drum is still intact. Unfortunately, the infection traveled into his throat and lungs. Soon after we had his high fevers figured out the Croup symptoms began. The gasping for air, the awful barking cough, the pain, the fever, lack of appetite...it was just awful! He refused any and all medications so we relied on our oils to get him through this. We are so thankful that they worked! I'm not sure that I could have done it without them. Now we are battling colds and praying for the chilly, cloudy weather to go away. We want to sun back!

So obviously we spent the weekend at home eating snacks and watching the Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family. When the rain finally decided to stop we went outside for some fresh air. Of course, both times we did this, it was after dinner, after bath, in our jams, and we got poured on. We have terrible judgment when it comes to the weather apparently. We went to bed smelling on summer rain and fresh cut grass. Ryder wore the same clothes for 3 days straight and I'm still on my day four hair. Just keeping it real ;)

 I'm praying for warmer weather and better spirits so that we can go pick strawberries, visit farmer's market, fill the pool, and go for a few bike rides this week. Happy Monday, friends!

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