April 19, 2015

Weekend Recap

Our weekend didn't exactly go as planned. Seth took a long weekend from work and what we thought would be a nonstop party turned into more or a nonstop sick baby cuddles. Wednesday night, Ryder and I surprised Seth with dinner and cake for his birthday. His birthday wasn't until the next day but we were going to be so busy that day and the rest of the weekend. Seth is always wanting Chinese food but ever since I was pregnant with Ryder I just can't stomach it very often. Even the smell reminds me of that queezy feeling I would get. Bleh!! So for his special dinner I knew I wanted to make Chinese for him. I found a recipe for Teriyaki Chicken Casserole. I was hesitant because Chinese always seems very intimidating to make at home. This recipe was not only super easy but delicious!

Little did we know that on Thursday Ryder was going to spike a very high fever. It lasted all day Thursday and into the night. He woke in the middle of the night shaking and getting sick in his bed. After a warm bath, water, and some good snuggles he was back asleep and slept in on Friday until close to 9! Luckily, he woke up Saturday feeling better and was fever free which meant that we got to spend some time outside enjoying the beautiful summer-like weather before spending time with my mom for her birthday. Oh and Ryder went on his first (mini) motorcycle ride and loved it! This mama's heart is not ready for that. Eeek!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry he was so sick, but thanks so much for making my birthday so special and wonderful and full of happy memories! Love you all! Nana!
