April 30, 2015

Green Thumbs

I have never been good at keeping plants alive. I would always buy them, plant them, water them a couple times and within weeks they would be dead. It didn't matter what the plant was, it always had a dreadful fate when it came into my life. But recently I've been doing a lot of reading and a lot of research about caring for plants and what types of plants would be good for me. So this year I bit the bullet and chose to not only attempt two garden plants, but a handful of succulents and a few outdoor plant varieties. Wish them luck. They need it.

When we were at Target one day I found little seed pods on clearance for .75 cents. I snagged basil and spinach hoping that we could grow them in little pots. My goal was to allow Ryder to do most of the work and teach him how seeds grow. We eat both of these often so I knew that he would love to watch them grow and be able to help me cook with them. We planted the pods straight into the dirt and I let Ryder pick out a couple stones to label them with. We have been watering and watching them for a couple weeks now and they have finally started sprouting! Hooray!

It was so exciting to see green inside the pots the other day when we went outside to water them. Ryder started laughing and pointing to them. It was a big deal. I'm sure our neighbors thought we were crazy. Every 2-3 days we go outside with our watering can and I bring the plants down to his level so he can water them. He does fairly well but tends to want to drown them. Eventually I point him to the rocks and grass and he ends up soaking his shoes, filling the watering can with rocks, and splashing.

Apparently it helps to stick your tongue out while watering plants.

So far everything is growing great and looking like it should. Now we are headed to the nursery to pick out a few indoor plants. I guess I'm just really hoping that my black thumbs have turned green!

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