March 9, 2015

Weekend Bliss

This weekend Ryder got a haircut. I didn't plan on going as short as we did. It was suppose to be a quick stop after gym class and before lunch. But it didn't happen like that. Ryder decided that he is now seriously afraid of getting a haircut. He was screaming, kicking, headbutting me. There was snot, tears, sweat all over both of our faces and his hair was sticking right to it. It was awful. Then he had to cry so hard that he got sick. Well, by the time we thought we had one side trimmed the lady realized that because of his constant pulling away she had been cutting chunks. So out came the clippers. Let's just say that the next time he needs a haircut, I'm sending him with his dad.

When it was all said and done, he seemed to age about two years. Why do haircuts do that to babies? Anyways, the day got better and so did the weather. We were able to spend the entire weekend outside! Yippee! We even squeezed in some time with my cousin and some of Seth's family.

The first thing Ryder did when we got outside was start splashing in puddles. Which was great! Until he slipped and fell. Then he demanded socks on his hands to keep them "warm". They were soaked in seconds. We splashed in puddles, played with balls, ran around the yard, went for walks, played on the swing set until the sun started going down. It was wonderful. Until it was time to go inside. Ryder threw a massive hour long fit because of it. I see a lot of tantrums in my near future.

We started our Monday off the right way. With donuts and friends of course!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Now it's time to start the St. Patty's Day shenanigans!

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