March 2, 2015

Hello, March

Here in the Midwest, they say,
March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.
There isn't a statement more true. Today March 1st greeted us with seven more inches of snow. This is seven inches on top of the five or more that we already had. Luckily the temperature was near the 30's so it was a perfect day to get outside for some snowball throwing and snowman making. This was Ryder's first real experience with the two. He loved the snow! He wasn't too sure when he touched it with bare hands and we didn't have mittens for him. (Bad mom, I know.) So I put a pair of socks on his hands instead. Surprisingly he acted like they weren't even there and even though the snow and water soaked them almost immediately, he was thrilled.

Of course Ryder was moreinterested in throwing snowballs, running up and down the sidewalk, and stomping on the snow than he was building a snowman with us. It was so fun to watch him explore the frozen world. He had so much fun and was loving life. Until it was time to go inside...

Happy Monday!

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